Member in DECUS, DECUServe (digital® organisation for high-end user, a Compaq User Group)
Member in Share Europe (IBM® organisation for high-end user)
5 year in sound studio DELA Mönchengladbach (Germany)’77
Freelancer Visualizer Bavaria TV Studio
35 year in sound and light, at the beginning professional ’82
33 year in Laser-Light-Show, at the beginning professional ’85
Fireworks (pyrotechnic) indoor/outdoor by PRINZ Großfeuerwerke ’86
Development of 3D-image reflector® system and initiation by Bob Summer President SONY USA ’88-’92
Initiation by COHERENT® Laser-Group. Series INNOVA 60® for starts COHERENT® in the light entertainment.
Development Laser light combination with Movie projection for The CINEMAXX Group Germany
Licence in: Welding, safety in metal-construction
Laser-technical: safety in medicine and flight-certainty
Helicopter licence (Military)